1st Asian and Pacific Probation Conference
Call for Papers
Theme : The Power of Synergy : Promoting Rehabilitation and Public Safety through Non-custodial Measures
Session Topics
- Probation system in Asian and Pacific Countries
- Probation in a pandemic
- Application of advanced technologies (Electronic Monitoring, A.I., Big data, etc.)
- Strengthening cooperation between public and private sectors
- Establishment of the Asian and Pacific Probation Cooperation – Director General Meeting
- Building international network and exchanging information on probation
- Designating a staff in each country for Asian and Pacific Cooperation and making a contact list
- Updating Asian and Pacific Probation survey & statistics and sharing results annually
- Holding regular Asian and Pacific Probation Conference
- Discussion about the next conference (hosting country, period, topics, etc.)
- Holding regular online meetings (e.g. Middle-level management meeting)
- Building international network and exchanging information on probation
Abstract Submission Guidelines
- The presentation will be an oral format 20 minutes to 45 minutes long including Q&A)
- Abstracts should be allocated to a specific theme and session topics
- All abstracts must be submitted in English
- APPC 2023 will be an in-person conference, authors must register and attend at the conference in-person
- Please fill out the abstract submission template below and send it to E-mail sue10230@naver.com for submission.
- Notification of receipt will be sent via e-mail within five business days.
- Please submit your abstract before 1st March 2023
For further information, please contact the staff
Coordinator information
- Mr. KIM Suchul
- Email : sue10230@naver.com
- Phone : +82-10-8606-9848