Main Tasks
Delinquency Prevention Education
Specialized education offered by type of delinquency and experience-based, character-building education provided over a short period of time for the purpose of providing help for the adaption to school and society by the at-risk youth in the early stages of delinquency and also for preventing repeated delinquency
- (Court) Juvenile subject to order for alternative education or order for education
- (Prosecutors’ Office) Juvenile subject to suspension of indictment under the condition of education
- (School) Student subject to disposition to complete special training due to school violence or maladjustment
Education Period
- As designated by the requesting institution, such as 4 hours or 1-5 days
Educational Content
- Specialized Education: Violence prevention, larcenous delinquency prevention, sexual delinquency prevention, internet/drug addiction prevention, cyber crime prevention
- Experience-type Education: Legal education, mock court, disability experience, art/horticultural therapy
Education request received
Requesting institution’s written decision for commissioned education received
Education plan established
Education schedule and terms of compliance for trainee announced
(via phone, mail)Education plan established
Education provided
Specialized education by problem type and experience-oriented education provided
Results notified
Notify the result to each requesting institution