Main Tasks
Community Service
- Community service is imposed or sentenced by court to do unpaid work for the community, forcusing on expiation, reparation, punishment, and rehabilitation
How the Required hours are carried out
- In common practice, community service is performed within normal working hours, although part-time or weekend work may be allowed under limited circumstance.
What types of work could be done?
- Working to support the disadvantaged ; housekeeping such as laundry, cleaning, providing for meals and bathing, hairdressing, etc.
- Working in community welfare centers ; providing assistance to the elderly, children and the disabled.
- Working to improve residential environments to those living in poor living conditions ; house repair, painting, creaning, wall papering, flooring, etc.
- Working for rural communities ; assisting farming, improving rural village environments, etc.
- Disaster relief and recovery work
- Local community work ; environmental work, assisting public events, etc.
Community Service based on People’s Request
- A beneficiary-based approach in assigning Community Service works, in which demands for services are requested directly by citizens in need of help, and the requested services are provided by the persons carrying out Community services.
- Eligible Applicants: Any Korean (individuals, groups)
- How to apply: Online application via Crime Prevention Policy Bureau's website (, in person, or over the phone to 57 probation offices across the country (at least two weeks prior to the desired date of service)
- Support Areas: Local community support, support for the marginalized population, improvement of residential environment, urgent disaster relief, support for welfare facilities and other areas of public interest.
Fine Defaulters’ Community Service
A policy enabling offenders who cannot afford to pay fines to perform Community Service either entirely or partially as a substitution to payment of the fine
- Eligible Applicant who is sentenced to a fine of no more than KRW 5 million who does not have the financial ability to pay the fine.
- Application Period: Within 30 days of the prosecutor’s order to pay the fine.
- Application to the prosecutors’ office
- Upon submission of the application to the prosecutor, the prosecutor will make a requisition to the court for approval.